Recurrence relation

Results: 243

11Software engineering / Formal methods / Theoretical computer science / Automated theorem proving / Computing / Loop invariant / Mathematical proof / Rippling / Extended static checking / Recurrence relation / Automated reasoning / Invariant

Automation for Exception Freedom Proofs Bill J. Ellis and Andrew Ireland School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

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Language: English - Date: 2004-11-10 11:53:13
12Mathematics / Mathematical analysis / Algebra / Orthogonal polynomials / Differential equations / Ordinary differential equations / Polynomial / Equation / Chebyshev polynomials / Recurrence relation / Adomian decomposition method / Integral

9th AIMS CONFERENCE – ABSTRACTS 170 Special Session 39: Polynomial Methods for Di↵erential Equations and Dynamical Systems

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Language: English - Date: 2012-06-23 07:34:44
13Mathematics / Algebra / Computability theory / Linear algebra / Spectral theory / Theoretical computer science / Subroutines / Recursion / Recurrence relation / Lambda calculus / Spectral theory of ordinary differential equations

Microsoft PowerPoint - lecture_Yop_spring05v2.ppt

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Language: English - Date: 2005-12-13 08:49:07
14Permutations / Stirling numbers of the first kind / Recurrence relation / Generating function / Stirling number / Random permutation statistics / Dickson polynomial

Stirling Numbers of the First Kind October 1, Getting to know the Stirling numbers

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Language: English - Date: 2015-12-04 19:21:56
15Algebra / Orthogonal polynomials / Biorthogonal polynomial / Recurrence relation / Central limit theorem / Polynomial / Random matrix / Chebyshev polynomials / Fundamental theorem of algebra

arXiv:1309.6224v2 [math-ph] 8 OctCentral Limit Theorems for Biorthogonal Ensembles and Asymptotics of Recurrence Coefficients Jonathan Breuer∗

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Language: English - Date: 2013-10-08 23:50:09
16Asymptotic analysis / Differential equations / Partial differential equations / Stokes phenomenon / WKB approximation / Equation / Integrable system / Recurrence relation / Complex differential equation / Simultaneous equations

Exponential Asymptotics of Difference and Differential Equations June 6 (Mon) – June 8 (Wed), 2016 Room No. 110 of RIMS, Kyoto University June 6, Monday 13:00 – : Session on “Discrete Painlev´e Equations” Nalini

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Language: English - Date: 2016-06-02 21:49:17
17Demography / Fisheries science / Population ecology / Dynamical systems / Logistic map / Recurrence relation / BevertonHolt model / Population dynamics / Equilibrium point / Logistic function / Ricker model / Pitchfork bifurcation

2 One-dimensional models in discrete time So far, we have assumed that demographic events happen continuously over time and can thus be written as rates. For many biological species with overlapping generations

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Language: English - Date: 2015-10-28 05:41:42
18Algebra / Equations / Recurrence relation / Theory of computation / Matrix exponential / Matrix / Linear differential equation / Equation solving / Euclidean algorithm / Differential equation / Polynomial / Gaussian elimination

Fast computation of power series solutions of systems of differential equations∗ A. Bostan† F. Chyzak†

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Language: English - Date: 2007-03-04 21:27:23
19Orthogonal polynomials / Polynomials / Algebra / Differential equations / Ordinary differential equations / Gegenbauer polynomials / Chebyshev polynomials / Hermite polynomials / Partial differential equation / Bessel function / Recurrence relation / Legendre polynomials

M2 research internship report Under the supervision of Nicolas Brisebarre, AriC team, Laboratoire d’Informatique du Parallélisme École Normale Supérieure de Lyon

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Language: English - Date: 2015-04-01 18:56:58
20Population ecology / Mathematical and theoretical biology / Demography / Ecology / Fisheries science / Theoretical ecology / Recurrence relation / Mathematical model / Kolmogorov equations / Dynamical system / Population dynamics / Logistic function

Mathematical Ecology Joachim Hermisson, Claus Rueffler & Meike Wittmann∗ October 27, 2015 Literature and Software • Sarah P. Otto, Troy Day: A Biologist’s Guide to Mathematical Modeling in Ecology

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Language: English - Date: 2015-10-28 05:41:55